學生類別 |
確認期* |
研究生 |
論文答辯或以前 |
校本部本科生 |
每年11月中旬至翌年1月中旬 |
博雅學院本科生 |
最後一學期內 |
学生类别 |
确认期* |
研究生 |
论文答辩或以前 |
校本部本科生 |
每年11月中旬至翌年1月中旬 |
博雅学院本科生 |
最后一学期内 |
confirmation of personal information
the university will prepare the graduation certificate and related documents for potential graduates based on the registration information recorded in course online enrollment system (coes). potential graduates are required to login coes to check and confirm their personal information (including chinese name, english name and identity card/passport number) with reference to the valid identity documents within the confirmation period. for students who do not complete the confirmation within the designated period, the university will prepare their graduation documents based on the information as recorded in coes. such students will be solely responsible for all the consequences.
type of students |
confirmation period* |
postgraduates |
on or before thesis defense |
undergraduates of main campus |
mid-november to mid-january |
undergraduates of school of liberal arts |
in the last semester |
*the confirmation period is subject to the latest announcement of the university.