general information of staying permission-ag凯发旗舰厅 please log in wemust student app “home > certification > paper > apply > testimonial application(student visa)”,and read the notes carefully before submitting the online application for testimonial(student visa). wemust student android app ios app scan download app 「非本地學生辦證須知」小冊子 「special authorization to stay for non-macao resident students」小冊子 居留及逗留事務廳—「外地學生之逗留的特別許可【中國內地學生適用】」小冊子 residence and stay affairs department - points to note for non-resident students “no longer studying” 不及時辦理「逗留的特別許可」續期可能被驅逐出境 領取外地學生「逗留的特別許可」的申請結果 自助服務機分佈區 must/24/007/sa/n-簽注類在學證明線上申請通告 內地學生簽注申辦調整措施(通告must/23/039/sa/n) 外地學生學籍狀況改變注意事項更改 (通告must/22/014/sa/n) 內地學生辦理澳門“逗留的特別許可”之特別提醒(通告must/22/091/sa/n) 請及時申報在澳聯絡地址及常居所地址(通告must/22/085/sa/n)