published sci/ssci international academic journal papers and international patent awards-ag凯发旗舰厅

the university encourages teaching and research personnel to carry out high-level academic research, especially the publication of sci and ssci journal papers, so as to improve academic research performance and university rankings, and specially stipulates the "reward measures for publishing sci/ssci academic journal papers" (hereinafter referred to as the "measures").

  1. the purpose of these measures is to reward the full-time teaching and research staff of the university for publishing sci/ssci academic journal papers with the university as the first author or corresponding author. papers published by part-time faculty and researchers are not included.
  2. there is no restriction on the same paper applying for the outstanding academic research award (e.g. boc/bank of international) and the government and society outstanding achievement award. the declaration and receipt of awards does not affect the implementation of the university's personnel statutes.
  3. if the paper contains more than one author, the award is allocated by the author of the paper.
  4. the grading of research papers in sci/ssci journals is based on the ranking of the latest journal discipline categories published by the journal of citation reports at the time of the review of award applications.
  5. periodicals with paper copies shall be subject to the official publication date of the publication. for open access's online journals, the final publication dateis indicated.
  6. the prize is pre-tax and the winner is required to handle the tax declaration by himself/ herself.
  7. the award shall be reviewed and verified by the university research office and evaluated by the university research committee (in the event of a dispute, external audit experts may be invited to participate in or organize a special review meeting).
  8. the office of the president of the university of science and technology shall have all the power to interpret and revise the incentive measures.

for detailed thesis levels, grading criteria and award criteria, please visit the university wemust system:
