documents to be provided to the program review panel by the dean-ag凯发旗舰厅

documents to be provided to the undergraduate program review panel by the dean of the faculty

the program review panel must receive documentation as follows, no less than one month before the visit of the program review panel.

handbooks and public information

  • staff handbook
  • program handbook
  • student handbook
  • quality assurance handbook
  • public information documents and materials
  • faculty handbook
  • prospectus
  • website screen prints

regulations, policies and codes of practice

  • regulations for the program and instructions to examiners
  • regulations on attendance and discipline
  • admission requirements
  • policy, procedure and codes of practice documents on:
    1. external advisory consultation and boards
    2. program design and amendment
    3. teaching loads
    4. study leave/research leave
    5. staff development
    6. attendance
    7. academic appeals
    8. disciplinary matters
    9. scholarly activity
    10. admissions
    11. staff engagement in scholarly and professional activity
    12. research training for staff and students
    13. external and internal benchmarking
    14. admission, retention, assessment
    15. equity and equal opportunities
    16. admitting students with disabilities
    17. evaluation of the program, staff and students
    18. language requirements for the program
    19. non-standard entry to the program
    20. learning
    21. teaching
    22. assessment, marking and examinations
    23. student support
    24. plagiarism and cheating
    25. quality assurance
    26. credit accumulation, transfer and exemption
    27. transfer, deferral and suspension
    28. remedial and support work
    29. awarding of credit
    30. public service

reports and plans

  • annual program reviews for the last three years for the program under review
  • annual program review data
  • strategic plan for the next three years, together with projections of resources required, student and staff numbers, sources of income, developments on the program
  • external examiners reports for the last three years
  • faculty strategic plan
  • action plans for program improvement and enhancement
  • reports and documents from external advisors
  • outside evaluation or accreditation reports that may relate to the program

program documentation and data

  • indication of the level of the program (undergraduate)
  • program mission statement, aims and objectives
  • program documentation
  • course-by-course documentation
  • minutes of meetings of the program committee and boards of examiners
  • minutes of meetings of curriculum development bodies and advisory groups
  • credit weighting and hours of the program and its constituent courses
  • study plan, course by course, for the whole program, to indicate the sequence with, and structure of, the whole program
  • materials and pro-formas used in the academic development and reviewing process
  • statement to show that the program meets an evidence-based need
  • instruments and procedures used to measure program effectiveness
  • fees, including break-even costs and numbers per program
  • documentation in the approval of the program
  • remedial or bridging courses or programs
  • admission scores of the applicants and admitted students for the current academic year and preceding two years
  • application rates, offer rates, selectivity rates and outcome rates for the current academic year and preceding two years
  • english language requirements and levels
  • numbers and dropouts, transfer in and transfer out of the program, and throughput, for the current academic year and the preceding two years
  • time taken to complete by students, how many take 4/5/6 years
  • completion rates for the current academic years and preceding two years
  • attendance requirements
  • attendance data for each course for the current academic year and preceding two years
  • awards made for the preceding three years, for the program and courses, together with summaries of grade/gpa distributions for these
  • indicators used in reviewing the program
  • process of student admission
  • budgets and estimates for the preceding two years, current year, and the next three years
  • unit costs per student

leadership and management

  • organizational chart, including student representation on/membership of committees and boards and administrative support
  • membership of the program committee and its terms of reference
  • duties and responsibilities of the program leader(s)
  • structures/personnel with responsibility for staff development
  • membership of the board of examiners, external examiners, and their terms of reference
  • student records: student data, attendance, academic reports and monitoring
  • record of staff development for the current academic year and the preceding two academic years

examining and assessment

  • marks, grades and awards made for the preceding three years, by program and by course, together with summaries of grade distributions for these
  • examination papers set for each course for the last three academic years
  • policy and procedures for boards of examiners and external examiners
  • membership of the board of examiners, external examiners, and their terms of reference
  • selected examples of student work and examination scripts that illustrate the different levels of achievement at different points in the program


  • summary cvs of all staff teaching on the program
  • summary data on all staff teaching on the program, including, for each person, and in tabular form: sex; ethnicity; nationality/home; qualifications (percentages with doctorates, master’s etc); selected publications; areas of expertise and experience; number of years teaching; level of appointment (e.g. assistant professor, associate professor); courses on which each is working on the program; teaching loads; administrative work; community/service work; research undertaken; research grants awarded
  • number and ratio of full-time and part-time academic and administrative staff
  • remuneration and conditions of service for staff at each rank
  • data on teaching assistants on the program, including, for each person, and in tabular form: sex; age; ethnicity; nationality/home; qualifications; selected publications; areas of expertise and experience; area(s) in which working on the program; teaching assistant loads
  • number of new faculty and faculty who have left each year over the preceding three years and the present year
  • faculty to graduate ratio
  • faculty to student ratio


  • copies of the program’s student evaluation form and a summary of students’ evaluations of faculty and courses for the current year and preceding two years
  • description of learning support services
  • description of student support services
  • characteristics and profile of students on the program


  • description of resources available to the program
  • planned increases to the resources and upgrading of resources
  • policy and procedures for staff and student input into resource acquisition and usage (e.g. books)

quality assurance

  • quality assurance procedures. mechanisms and process
  • responsibilities for qa on the program, and who is responsible for what
  • involvement of staff and students in quality assurance
  • documentation on quality assurance

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