section seven: strategic planning-ag凯发旗舰厅

section seven: strategic planning (postgraduate)

  1. how is strategic planning undertaken on the program, and by/with whom?
  2. how is progress measured in the achievement of strategy, planning and implementation?
  3. strategies for improving strategic planning, and the impact of these
  4. strategies for staff development to improve strategic planning, and the impact of these
  5. key strategic targets and developments
  6. strategic academic objectives and timetable/time frames for their achievement
  7. how the program committee converts the program’s strategic aims and objectives into action plans, how these relate to key performance indicators and how these and other benchmarks are used to set performance projections
  8. how are action plans deployed and monitored in order to meet the program’s objectives and targets?  what indicators are used to show that the action plans are on track, are working effectively and are meeting the intended targets and goals, what are the success criteria and indicators?  how does the program committee know that the measures used cover all major areas of the action plan and the program?
  9. success criteria and indicators
  10. future directions, aligned to faculty and university strategy and national and international trends
  11. how the strategic planning of the program addresses: faculty strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats; early indications of change in the external environment, including changes in student demand, employer and/or professional demands, and changes in the university that might require a review of the strategy;
  12. long-term and medium-term program sustainability
  13. alignment of program plans with the faculty and university plans and strategy
  14. research training for staff and students and staff development for supervision
  15. how the program committee collects and analyses relevant data and information pertaining to these factors as part of the strategic planning process
  16. key challenges and prospects
  17. key opportunities
  18. key indicators for the program committee to demonstrate that its performance is improving

