section one: preliminary information-ag凯发旗舰厅

section one: preliminary information (postgraduate)

  1. title and code number of the program
  2. indication of the level of the program (master’s/doctorate)
  3. credit weighting and hours of the program and its constituent courses
  4. introduction to the program:
    1. background to the program (brief history of the program)
    2. intended student recruitment and market
    3. external consultation on program development
    4. number of students in each year
    5. the demand for graduates of the program
    6. key features and characteristics of the program
    7. committee structure for the program
  5. major market(s) of the program
  6. strategies to ensure that the best possible staff and students are recruited
  7. student and stakeholder evaluation and satisfaction
  8. quality of admitted students (what it is, how it is reviewed, monitored and evaluated, whether admission requirements are ‘delivering’ the suitable quality and calibre of students, and the evidence of this)
  9. recruitment strategies and practices and their impact
  10. strategies for student retention, and their impact
  11. quality of students admitted to the program; comments on
    1. academic quality
    2. equity
    3. numbers and dropout, transfer in and transfer out of the program, and throughput
    4. time taken to complete by students, how many take 4/5/6 years
    5. completion rates
  12. quality of staff admitted to the program; commenting on:
    1. academic quality
    2. equity
    3. staff turnover (how many new staff each year and how many staff leave each year, for the current year and preceding two years)
  13. class size
  14. staff/student ratios for programs/supervision
  15. indicators used in review
  16. current strengths and weaknesses
  17. knowledge of stakeholders
  18. stakeholder, advisory and committee input into the program
  19. career development
  20. stakeholder evaluation and satisfaction
  21. external relations: industry; consultants; community; public agencies; graduate employers; professional bodies
  22. public information, which is accurate and up-to-date, about
    1. the program
    2. research centres and research work in the faculty
    3. contact details
    4. intended learning outcomes
    5. postgraduate programs offered and qualifications awarded
    6. teaching and learning
    7. assessment procedures
    8. learning opportunities
    9. internships, exchanges and special features
    10. views of previous and present students
    11. views of employers
  23. external review and quality assurance
  24. proposed student and staffing numbers on the program over the next three years
  25. current strengths and weaknesses
  26. future directions
  27. key challenges and prospects
  28. key opportunities


