section five: academic staff-ag凯发旗舰厅

section five: academic staff

  1. what does the faculty seek to achieve for its staff?
  2. academic staffing in the faculty
  3. how staff are recruited and appointed to, and promoted and appraised in, the faculty
  4. are there sufficient staff to service the faculty and its programs?
  5. are there sufficient staff to ensure health and safety in the faculty?
  6. equity principles
  7. number of (regular) faculty and areas of expertise: full-time and part-time
  8. quality, credentials and experience of the faculty
  9. match between background, expertise and qualifications of the staff and the programs and courses on which they work
  10. induction and support for new staff
  11. expectations of faculty in respect of teaching, research and publication, supervision, scholarly activity and service
  12. research training for staff
  13. supervision training for staff
  14. publications of faculty (in an annex)
  15. how does the faculty provide for the realization of the full potential of the staff, and reward staff in their movement toward achieving the highest possible standards of performance?
  16. how are data used to improve staff and to enable them to achieve their highest performance?
  17. how is a climate of staff support promoted in the faculty?
  18. how are staff complaints, grievances and concerns identified and addressed in the faculty?
  19. how are cooperative activities, teaching, planning and mutual support addressed in the faculty?
  20. how can, and do, staff share and benefit from innovative ideas in the faculty?
  21. how are staff professional development needs and wishes identified and addressed?
  22. what staff development is provided for curriculum content, teaching, learning, research, supervision, assessment, quality assurance, community networking and relationships,
  23. staff professional development and engagement of staff in it
  24. why do staff engage/not engage in staff professional development?
  25. how relevant, timely, sufficient and useful are the staff development activities?
  26. how does the faculty know that the skills and capabilities of the staff are sufficient for the demands of their work, teaching, research, changes in the external environment etc.?
  27. teaching loads, their calculation and distribution
  28. teaching assistants
  29. commentary on the number of new faculty and faculty who have left each year over the preceding three years and the present year
  30. commentary on the faculty to graduate ratio
  31. commentary on the faculty to student ratio
  32. staff morale
  33. staff consultation and involvement in faculty matters (and what these are)
  34. staff promotion and appointments
  35. external review and quality assurance
  36. strategies for staff career development, and the impact of these
  37. number of support staff
  38. future directions
  39. key challenges and prospects
  40. key opportunities

