student support, feedback and involvement-ag凯发旗舰厅

student support, feedback and involvement

emboldened questions

the priority questions and points are emboldened.  these are intended to act as a guide and help in deciding to what to address/include in preparing the report on the each area.  they are intended to help report compilers to identify points for inclusion.

the emboldened questions and points are followed by unemboldened words and numbers.  the unemboldened words indicate useful sources of documentation, whilst the numbers refer to the number of the pro-formas distributed as part of the documentation for the faculty review.


key areas of focus

  1. faculty policies and strategies for student support, feedback and involvement.
  2. overall quality of student support, feedback and involvement.
  3. main kinds of student support, feedback and involvement in the faculty.
  4. identification of strengths and weaknesses in student support, feedback and involvement.
  5. provision for student support, feedback, involvement and representation.
  6. the uses made of student feedback.
  7. quality assurance practices for monitoring and reviewing the actual quality of student support, feedback and involvement.
  8. plans for interventions and staff development to improve the quality of student support, feedback and involvement in the faculty.


key questions

  1. how high is the quality of the student support, feedback and involvement in the faculty?
  2. how do we know and how will we continue to know?
  3. what is being done to improve student support, feedback and involvement?


core questions

  1. what are the policies and strategies for student support and guidance in the faculty?  policy documents, handbooks for each program and course, student handbooks, faculty policy documents and codes of practice on assessment, student support, plagiarism and cheating, policies regarding admission and retention of students, remedial and support work, prospectuses and program documentation, admission requirements, public information documents and materials, website screen prints, full course-by-course and whole-program documentation, policies in relation to admission, retention, assessment and evaluation of the program, staff and students, equity principles and admitting students with disabilities, english language requirements for the program, non-standard entry to the program, remedial or bridging courses or programs.
  2. what formal arrangements does the faculty have to provide student support, to receive and act on student feedback, and to involve students in the workings (and decision making) of the faculty? minutes of meetings of development bodies and advisory groups, annual program reviews for the last three years for the program under review, public information documents and materials.
  3. what procedures and processes does the faculty have for planning, monitoring, reviewing, and developing the student support and guidance in the faculty? minutes of meetings of development bodies and advisory groups, annual program reviews for the last three years for the program under review.
  4. how does the faculty know and inform itself and stakeholders if these procedures and processes are working/being used? minutes of meetings of development bodies and advisory groups, annual program reviews for the last three years for the program under review.
  5. are the procedures and processes for planning, monitoring, reviewing, and developing the student support and guidance in the faculty in place, operating and effective in meeting the faculty’s stated mission, values, purposes, policies, self-evaluation contents and criteria for the effectiveness of the faculty?
  6. how does the faculty inform itself/stakeholders about how these procedures and processes for the faculty are effective in terms of outcomes and quality (i.e. impact analysis)? minutes of meetings of development bodies and advisory groups, annual program reviews for the last three years for the program under review.
  7. how high is the quality of the student support and guidance in the faculty, and how does the faculty know? minutes of meetings of development bodies and advisory groups, annual program reviews for the last three years for the program under review.
  8. how has the faculty improved the quality of its student support and guidance over time, and how does it know? minutes of meetings of development bodies and advisory groups, annual program reviews for the last three years for the program under review.
  9. what recommendations can be made for needed interventions and developments to develop further the student support and guidance in the faculty?
  10. what does the faculty do to monitor and improve the student support and guidance in the faculty?


academic guidance

  1. how is student learning facilitated by academic guidance, support, feedback and supervision in the faculty?
  2. what are the arrangements for academic support? are they clear, understood by staff and students, and well matched to the curriculum, and teaching, learning and assessment methods?
  3. how is student participation encouraged and students’ learning facilitated?
  4. what provision is made to identify and meet individual students’ academic needs?
  5. how is student performance enhanced and assured to be of the highest quality?
  6. what research training is provided for students in the faculty?
  7. what mentoring services are provided for students in the faculty?
  8. how does the faculty build positive relationships with students in the achievement of their on and the faculty’s objectives?


general support and guidance

  1. in the faculty, what is: (a) the nature, amount and quality of student support; (b) the counselling and guidance support for students; (c) the support for students with disabilities or difficulties?
  2. what does the faculty seek to achieve for its students?
  3. what are the expectations of the students?  how, and how well, are these met? how do we know? how are students’ needs, expectations and preferences identified and addressed in the faculty?
  4. are staff available for consultation with students? how does this operate?


student evaluations, feedback and satisfaction data

  1. what are the mechanisms and processes to obtain feedback from students on the quality of teaching, assessment, and student support? what are the mechanisms for these feedbacks to be acted upon for the improvement of teaching, learning and the enhancement of the work of the faculty?
  2. data and commentary on student transfers in and out of the faculty, retention and dropout.  what do they show?
  3. what feedback is given to students and what action is taken on this by students?  how do we know?
  4. what feedback is gathered from students and what action is taken on this by the faculty, in respect of: (a) collecting and using student feedback; (b) questionnaires; (c) discussion and dissemination of feedback; (d) staff/student consultative committees; (e) faculty, program, supervision, research and administrative improvement?
  5. what action is taken on student evaluations and data on student satisfaction?
  6. how does the faculty build relationships, networks, contacts and strategies for recruitment, retention and satisfaction of students?
  7. what contact mechanisms exist in the faculty for staff and students to communicate, how well are these used, and with what outcomes?
  8. how is student satisfaction determined in the faculty? are there surveys of student satisfaction, and how are they used?


student representation

  1. what student representation on committees is there in the faculty?
  2. what strategies does the faculty have for staff development to improve student support, and what is the impact of these?
  3. how are students kept informed of developments and decisions in the faculty?
  4. what strategies does the faculty have for improving student support, and what is the impact of these?


summary for student support, feedback and involvement

  1. current strengths and weaknesses in student support, feedback and involvement in the faculty.
  2. future directions in student support, feedback and involvement in the faculty.
  3. key challenges and prospects in student support, feedback and involvement in the faculty.
  4. key opportunities for student support, feedback and involvement in the faculty.



