leadership and management of the faculty-ag凯发旗舰厅

leadership and management of the faculty

emboldened questions

the priority questions and points are emboldened.  these are intended to act as a guide and help in deciding to what to address/include in preparing the report on the each area.  they are intended to help report compilers to identify points for inclusion.

the emboldened questions and points are followed by unemboldened words and numbers.  the unemboldened words indicate useful sources of documentation, whilst the numbers refer to the number of the pro-formas distributed as part of the documentation for the faculty review.


key areas of focus

  1. faculty policies and strategies for effective leadership and management in the faculty.
  2. overall quality of leadership and management in the faculty.
  3. main kinds of leadership and management tasks in the faculty.
  4. identification of strengths and weaknesses in leadership and management in the faculty.
  5. the uses made of leadership and management data in the faculty.
  6. practices for monitoring and reviewing the actual quality of leadership and management in the faculty.
  7. plans for interventions and staff development to improve the quality of leadership and management in the faculty.


key questions

  1. how high is the quality of the leadership and management in the faculty?
  2. how do we know and how will we continue to know?
  3. what is being done to improve leadership and management in the faculty?


core questions

  1. what are the leadership and management policies and strategies in the faculty? policy documents, handbooks for each program and course, student handbooks, staff handbook, faculty handbook, faculty policy documents and codes of practice on ass aspects of the work of the faculty, organizational chart, faculty/department/school strategic plan.
  2. what procedures and processes does the faculty have for planning, monitoring, reviewing, and developing the leadership and management in the faculty? minutes of meetings of faculty boards and subject coordinators. materials and pro-formas used in the academic development and reviewing process.
  3. how does the faculty know and inform itself and stakeholders if these procedures and processes are working/being used? annual program reviews for the last three years for the program under review, annual program review data.
  4. are the procedures and processes for planning, monitoring, reviewing, and developing the leadership and management in the faculty in place, operating and effective in meeting the faculty’s stated mission, values, purposes, policies, self-evaluation contents and criteria for the effectiveness of the faculty?
  5. how does the faculty inform itself/stakeholders about how these procedures and processes for the faculty are effective in terms of outcomes and quality (i.e. impact analysis)? annual program reviews for the last three years for the program under review, annual program review data.
  6. how high is the quality of the leadership and management the faculty, and how does the faculty know? annual program reviews for the last three years for the program under review, annual program review data.
  7. how has the faculty improved the quality of its leadership and management over time, and how does it know?
  8. what recommendations can be made for needed interventions and developments to develop further the leadership and management in the faculty?
  9. what does the faculty do to monitor and improve the leadership and management in the faculty?


leadership in the faculty

  1. who are the leaders in the faculty, and what are their leadership responsibilities in the faculty?
  2. how does the leadership promote cooperation, effective communication and sharing of skills and information at all levels?
  3. how does the faculty leadership promote innovativeness in the work environment, and draw on the benefits of diverse ideas, cultures and thinking?
  4. how does the faculty leadership promote, improve and enhance the quality of teaching, learning, supervision, research and publication in its work?
  5. how do the leaders in the faculty exercise leadership in respect of staff professional development and maximization of talent and expertise?
  6. how and how well, do the faculty leaders guide, steer, develop and lead the faculty in its academic activities?  how do we know?
  7. how and how well, do the leaders in the faculty achieve the following, and how do we know: (a) develop and reach the faculty’s vision and values, and create a focus on actions to achieve the faculty’s objectives; (b) promote a culture of academic quality; (c) promote an environment that fosters, requires and results in ethical behaviour and high academic standards; (d) create a sustainable faculty and staffing; (e) create and sustain an environment for faculty improvement and student and staff learning; (f) develop future leaders for the faculty; (g) take an active role in reward and recognition of high standards of performance; (h) improve academic performance of staff and students.
  8. how does the faculty leadership promote a safe, secure and supportive environment for the work of the faculty?
  9. how does the faculty leadership identify key factors affecting workforce engagement and satisfaction, and foster and assess a culture that is conducive to high standards of academic performance and a motivated workforce?
  10. how does the faculty leadership promote a climate of change/ sustainable development?



communication, decision making and staff involvement in setting agendas

  1. how is communication handled within and beyond the faculty, and its effectiveness in supporting high standards of academic performance?
  2. how frank and open is the communication?
  3. how are staff informed of, and involved in, decisions, changes and developments?
  4. how are decisions reached?
  5. how are agendas for meetings set and communicated?
  6. which meetings are minuted?


staff management matters in the faculty

  1. how are workloads decided and allocated in the faculty? who decides these?
  2. what are the teaching loads, and how are they calculated and distributed?
  3. are workloads spread evenly and equitably?
  4. what performance appraisal of staff is there in the faculty, for what purposes and with what effects?
  5. do all staff know what everyone’s workloads are?
  6. what staff involvement is there in management/committees/forums in the faculty?
  7. how are staff complaints/grievances/ concerns identified and addressed in the faculty?


summary of leadership and management of the faculty

  1. what provisions are there for the long-range planning of the faculty?
  2. current strengths and weaknesses in leadership and management of the faculty.
  3. future directions in leadership and management of the faculty.
  4. key challenges and prospects in leadership and management of the faculty.
  5. key opportunities for leadership and management of the faculty.



