code of conduct-ag凯发旗舰厅

code of conduct

panel review members for institutional/faculty/program review, be those members internal or external to the university/faculty/program are bound by a code of conduct.  this is set out in the university's code of conduct for panel review and reviewers, and addresses matters such as: reaching judgements; management of reviews; conflicts of interest; neutrality and objectivity; evidence-based judgements; conduct during reviews; honesty and fairness in reaching judgements; gifts and hospitality. 

members of review panels are required to report immediately to the head of the quality assurance office any potential problems in applying the code of conduct.

download the university’s code of conduct for panel reviews and reviewers (english version) (pdfpdf)

download the univeristy's code of conduct for panel reviews and reviewers (chinese version) (pdfpdf)




