
  1. y. liu, p. li, z. w. li, and n. q. wu, robust deadlock control for automated manufacturing systems with unreliable resources based on petri net reachability graphs, ieee transactions on systems, man, & cybernetics: systems, vol. 49, no. 7, 1371-1385, jul. 2019.
  2. y. liu, l. c. zhang, y. t. li, y. f. chen, z. wu. li, and n. q. wu, robust deadlock control for automated manufacturing systems based on the max-controllability of siphons, ieee access, vol. 7, no. 1, 2169-3536, dec. 2019.
  3. f. chen, n. q. wu, z. w. li, and t. qu, on a maximally permissive deadlock prevention policy for automated manufacturing systems by using resource-oriented petri nets, isa transactions, vol. 80, 67-76, jun. 2019.
  4. qiao, n. q. wu, f. j. yang, m. c. zhou, q. h. zhu, and t. qu, robust scheduling of time-constrained dual-arm cluster tools with wafer revisiting and activity time disturbance, ieee transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics: systems, vol. 49, no. 6, 1228-1240, jun. 2019.
  5. f. zhong, w. l. he, z. w. li, n. q. wu, and t. qu, deadlock analysis and control using petri net decomposition techniques, information sciences, vol. 482, 440-452, may 2019.
  6. wang, y. f. zhang, y. liu, and n. q. wu, multiagent and bargaining-game-based real-time scheduling for internet of things-enabled flexible job shop, ieee internet of things journal, vol. 6, no. 2, 2518-2531, apr. 2019.
  7. duan, c. f. zhong, x. wang, a. u. rehman, u. umer, and n. q. wu, a deadlock prevention policy for flexible manufacturing systems modeled with petri nets using structural analysis, ieee access, vol. 7, no. 1, 49362-49376, dec. 2019.
  8. h. zhu, y. qiao, and n. q. wu, optimal integrated schedule of entire process of dual-blade multi-cluster tools from start-up to close-down, ieee/caa journal of automatica sinica, vol. 6, no. 2, 553-565, mar. 2019.
  9. y. liu, z. w. li, n. q. wu, and k. barkaoui, elementary siphon-based robust control for automated manufacturing systems with multiple unreliable resources, ieee access, vol. 7, no. 1, 21006-21019, dec. 2019.
  10. f. chen, n. q. wu, z. w. li, t. qu, and h. l. xiao, liveness of disjunctive and strict single-type automated manufacturing system: an ropn approach, ieee access, vol. 7, no. 1, 177760-17771, dec. 2019.
  11. h. zhu, z. w. li, n. q. wu and a. al-ahmari, fault identification of discrete event systems modeled by petri nets with unobservable transitions, ieee transactions on systems, man, & cybernetics: systems, vol. 49, no. 2, 333-345, feb, 2019.
  12. wu, c. w. k. lam, n. q. wu, s.-s. pang, z. xing, w. zhang, and z. c. ju, multiple templates fabrication of hierarchical porous carbon for enhanced rate capability in potassium-ion batteries, materials today energy, vol. 11, 182-191, 2019.
  13. xu, w. pedrycz, z.w. li, w.k. nie, high-accuracy signal subspace separation algorithm based on gaussian kernel soft partition, ieee transactions on industrial electronics, vol. 66, no. 1, 491-499, jan. 2019.
  14. feng, y.c. gao, g.d. tian, z.w. li, h.s. hu, h. zheng, flexible process planning and end-of-life decision-making for product recovery optimization based on hybrid disassembly, ieee transactions on automation science and engineering, vol. 16, no. 1, 311-326, jan. 2019.
  15. ye, y. lin, z.w. li, j. lee, a. ai-ahmari, m.s. jin, a non-invasive sleep analysis approach based on a fuzzy inference system and a finite state machine, ieee access, vol. 7, 2664-2676, 2019.
  16. khalgui, o. mosbahi, z.w. li, on reconfiguration theory of discrete-event-systems: from intial specification until final deployment, ieee access, vol. 7. 18219-18233, 2019.
  17. abidi, m. ben simd, m. khalgui, z.w. li, t. qu, source resizing and improved power distribution for high available island microgid: a case study on a tunisian petroleum platform, ieee access, vol. 7, 22856-22871, 2019.
  18. ben simd, k. miled, m. khalgui, g. frey, z.w. li, modeling and verification of a reliable multi-agent solution promoting the autonomy and self-sufficiency of microgrids in an isolated location, ieee access, vol. 7, 55090-55107, 2019.
  19. li, w.s. chen, e.a. nasr, a.m. ei-tamimi, z.w. li, grouping consensus for heterogeneous multi-agent systems with sampled and quantized data under directed communication topology, ieee access, vol. 7, 48318-48327, 2019.
  20. wang, w. pedrycz, z.w. li, a two-phase development of fuzzy rule-based model and their analysis, ieee access, vol.7, 80328-80341, 2019.
  21. wang, w. pedrycz, z.w. li, granular data aggregation: an adaptive principle of the justifiable granularity approach, ieee transactions on cybernetics, vol. 49, no. 2, 417-426, feb. 2019.
  22. lakhdhar, r. mzid, m. khalgui, z.w. li, g. frey, a. ai-ahmari, multiobjective optimization approach for a portable development of reconfigurable real-time systems: from specification to implementation, ieee transactions on systems, man, & cybernetics: systems, vol. 49, no. 3, 623-637, mar. 2019.
  23. gu, x. wang, z.w. li, synthesis of supervisory control with partial observation on nornal state-tree structures, ieee transactions on automation science and engineering, vol. 16, no. 2, 984-997, apr. 2019.
  24. zhang, y. peng, l. hou, g.d. tian, z.w. li, a hybrid multi-objective optimization approach for energy-absorbing structures in train collisions, information sciences, vol. 481, 491-506, may, 2019.
  25. liu, m.y. quan, z.w. li, z.l. wang, a new integrated mcdm model for sustainable supplier selection under interval-valued intuitionistic uncertain linguistic environment, information sciences, vol. 486, 254-270, jun. 2019.
  26. ben ahmed, o. mosbahi, m. khalgui, z.w. li, boundary scan extension for testing distributed reconfigurable hardware systems, ieee transactions on circuits and systems i-regular papers, vol. 66, no. 7, 2699-2708, jul. 2019.
  27. guellouz, a. benzina, m. khalgui, g. frey, z.w. li, v. vyatkin, designing efficient reconfigurable control systems using iec61499 and symbolic model checking, ieee transactions on automation science and engineering, vol. 16, no. 3, 1110-1124, jul. 2019.
  28. ghahramani, m. c. zhou, and c.t. hon, “mobile phone data analysis: a spatial exploration toward hotspot detection,” ieee trans. on automation science and engineering, vol. 16, no. 1, 16, pp. 351-362, jan. 2019.
  29. ghahramani, m.c. zhou, and c.t. hon, “extracting significant mobile phone interaction patterns based on community structures,” ieee trans. on intelligent transportation systems, 20(3), pp. 1031-1041, march 2019.
  30. wang, z. ning, m. zhou, x. hu, l. wang, y. zhang, f. r. yu, and b. hu, “privacy-preserving content dissemination for vehicular social networks: challenges and solutions,” ieee communications surveys & tutorials, vol. 21, no. 2, 2nd quarter 2019.
  31. tian, y. ren, y. feng, m. zhou, h. zhang, and j. tan, “modeling and planning for dual-objective selective disassembly using and/or graph and discrete artificial bee colony,” ieee trans. industrial informatics, 15(4), pp. 2456 - 2468, april 2019.
  32. zhang, x. zhu, y. wang, and m. zhou, “dual-environmental particle swarm optimizer in noisy and noise-free environments,” ieee transactions on cybernetics, 49(6), pp. 2011–2021, june 2019.
  33. zhang, z. wei, z. yan, m. c. zhou, and a. pani, “collaborated online change-point detection in sparse time series with application to online advertising,” ieee transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics: systems, 49(6), pp. 1141 – 1151, june 2019.
  34. luo, m. c. zhou, z. wang, y. xia, and q. zhu, “an effective scheme for qos estimation via alternating direction method-based matrix factorization," ieee transactions on services computing, 12(4), pp. 503-518, july 2019.
  35. liu, h. duan, q. zeng, m. c. zhou, f. lu, and j. cheng, “towards comprehensive support for privacy preservation cross-organization business process mining,” ieee transactions on services computing, doi: 10.1109/tsc.2016.2617331, 12(4), pp. 639-653, july/aug. 2019.
  36. s. lu, m. zhou, l. qi and h. liu, “clustering algorithm-based analysis of rare event evolution via social media data,” ieee trans. on computational social systems, 6(2), pp. 301-310, apr. 2019.
  37. li, t. qian, a novel 2d partial unwinding adaptive fourier decomposition method with application to frequency domain system identification, mathematical methods in the applied science, 42(9), 3123-3135, jun. 2019.
  38. bao, k.i. kou, t. qian, i. sabadini, the inverse fueter mapping theorem for axially monogenic functions of degree k, journal of mathematical analysis and applications, 476(2), 819-853, aug 2019.
  39. qiao, s. w. zhang, n. q. wu, x. wang, z. w. li, m. c. zhou, and t. qu, “data-driven approach to optimal control of acc systems and layout design in large rooms with thermal comfort consideration by using pso,” journal of cleaner production, vol. 236, doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.07.053, 2019.
  40. gaiyun; zhang, lingchun; liu, yuting; chen, yufeng; li, zhiwu; wu, naiqi, robust deadlock control for automated manufacturing systems based on the max-controllability of siphons, ieee access, vol. 7, pp. 88579-88591, 2019.
  41. gao, y zhang, y zhang, r su, pn suganthan, meta-heuristics for bi-objective urban traffic light scheduling problems, ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, 20 (7), 2618-2629, july 2019.
  42. gao, f.j. yang, m.c. zhou, q.k. pan, p. n. sugnathan, flexible job shop rescheduling for new job insertion by using discrete jaya algorithm. ieee transactions on cybernetics, vol. 49, no. 5, pp: 1944-1955, may 2019.
  43. gao, zg cao, l zhang et al., a review on swarm intelligence and evolutionary algorithms for solving flexible job shop scheduling problems, ieee/caa journal of automatica sinica, 6(4), 904-916, july 2019.
  44. huang, k wang, kz gao*, t qu, h liu, jointly optimizing microgrid configuration and energy consumption scheduling of smart homes, swarm and evolutionary computation, 48, 251-261, aug 2019.
  45. wang, h liu, kz gao, le zhang, improved multi-agent reinforcement learning for path planning based crowd simulation, ieee access, 7, 73841-73855, june 2019.
  46. sang, q.k. pan, j.q. li, p. wang, y.y. han, kz gao, p duan, effective invasive weed optimization algorithms for distributed assembly permutation flow shop problem with total flowtime criterion, swarm and evolutionary computation, 44, 64-73, feb 2019.
  47. qin, yong yuan, fei-yue wang, “a novel hybrid share reporting strategy for blockchain miners in pplns pools”, decision support systems, 2019, vol. 118, pp. 91-101, 2019.
  48. cao, senzhang wang, danyan wen, zhaohui peng, philip s. yu, fei-yue wang, “mutual clustering on comparative texts via heterogeneous information networks”, knowledge and information systems, 1-28,2019.
  49. zhang, l. p. bai, x. w. zhang, y. h. zhang, y. l, x. d. yan, cultivated land monitoring system based on dynamic wake-up uav and wireless of distributed storage, , vol.61, no.2, pp.817-828, 2019.
  50. zhang, l. p. bai, x. w. zhang, y. h. zhang, f. sun, c. c chen, comparative variance and multiple imputation used for missing values in land price dataset, ,  vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 1175-1187, 2019.
  51. c. wang, z. xie, l. shao, z. z. , m. zhou, estimating travel speed of a road section through sparse crowdsensing data, ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems,  vol. 20,  no. 9, pp. 3486-3495,  sep. 2019.
  52. k. gao, y. zhang, r. su, f. yang, p. n. suganthan, m. zhou, solving traffic signal scheduling problems in heterogeneous traffic network by using meta-heuristics, ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems,  vol. 20,  no. 9, pp. 3272-3282,  sep. 2019.
  53. s. sarker, m. a. razzaque, m. m. hassan, a. almogren, g. fortino, m. zhou, optimal selection of crowdsourcing workers balancing their utilities and platform profit, ieee internet of things journal,  vol. 6,  no. 5, pp. 8602-8614,  oct. 2019.
  54. y. t. li, l. yin, y. f. chen, z. h. yu, n. q. wu, optimal petri net supervisor synthesis for forbidden state problems using marking mask, information sciences,  vol. 505, pp. 183-197,  2019.
  55. y. qiao, s. w. zhang, n. q. wu, x. wang, z. w. li, m. c. zhou, t. qu, data-driven approach to optimal control of acc systems and layout design in large rooms with thermal comfort consideration by using pso, journal of cleaner production,  vol. 236,  paper no 117578,  nov. 2019.
  56. k. xu, w. pedrycz, z. li, w. nie, constructing a virtual space for enhancing the classification performance of fuzzy clustering, ieee transactions on fuzzy systems,  vol. 27,  no. 9, pp. 1779-1792,  sep 2019.
  57. y. liu, k. cai, z. li, on scalable supervisory control of multi-agent discrete-event systems, automatica,  vol. 108,  article number 108460,  oct 2019.
  58. y. feng, m. zhou, g. tian, z. li, z. zhang, q. zhang, j. tan, target disassembly sequencing and scheme evaluation for cnc machine tools using improved multiobjective ant colony algorithm and fuzzy integral, ieee trans. on systems,  man,  & cybernetics: systems,  vol. 49,  12, pp. 2438-2451,  dec 2019.
  59. z. he, z. li, a. giua, f. basile, c. seatzu, some remarks on "state estimation and fault diagnosis of labeled time petri net systems with unobservable transitions", ieee trans. on automatic control,  vol. 64,  no. 12, pp. 5253-5259,  dec 2019.
  60. j. li, q. pan, p. duan, h. sang, k. gao, solving multi-area environmental/economic dispatch by pareto-based chemical-reaction optimization algorithm, ieee-caa j. of automatica sinica,  vol. 6,  no. 5, pp. 1240-1250,  sep 2019.
  61. q.  rui,  .  yong,  .  fei-yue, a novel hybrid share reporting strategy for blockchain miners in pplns pools, decision support systems,  vol. 118, pp. 91-101,  mar 2019.
  62. i. naidji, m. b. smida, m. khalgui, a. bachir, z. w. li, n. q. wu, efficient allocation strategy of energy storage systems in power grids considering contingencies, ieee access,  vol. 7, pp. 186378-186392,  2019.
  63. q. r. chen, l. yin, n. q. wu, m. melmeligy, m. sharaf, z. w. li, diagnosability of vector discrete-event systems using predicates, ieee access,  vol. 7, pp. 147143-147155,  2019.
  64. l. j. yang, y. s. an, n. q. wu, h. h. cheng, x. g. zhao, a petri net-based heuristic algorithm for short-term vehicle scheduling in a vehicle inspection system, ieee access,  vol. 7, pp. 138442-138460,  2019.
  65. x. y. cong, a. r. wang, y. f. chen, n. q. wu, t. qu, m. khalgui, z. w. li, most permissive liveness-enforcing petri net supervisors for discrete event systems via linear monitors, isa transactions,  vol. 92, pp. 145-154,  sep 2019.
  66. x. cong, m. piafanti, a. m. mangini, z. li, on-line verification of initial-state opacity by petri nets and integer linear programming, isa transactions,  vol. 93, pp. 108-114,  oct 2019.
  67. y. feng, z. zhang, g. tian, a. m. fathollahi-fard, n. hao, z. li, w. wang, j. tan, a novel hybrid fuzzy grey topsis method: supplier evaluation of a collaborative manufacturing enterprise, applied sciences-basel,  vol. 9,  no. 18,  article number 3770,  sep 2019.
  68. y. cui, h. e, w. pedrycz, z. li, augmentation of rule-based models with a granular quantification of results, soft computing,  vol. 23,  no. 23, pp. 12745-12759,  dec 2019.
  69. x. wang, z. li, t. moor, sct-based priority-free conditionally-preemptive scheduling of modular real-time systems with exact task execution time, discrete event dynamic systems: theory and applications,  vol. 29,  no. 4, pp. 501-520,  dec 2019.
  70. w. li, j. li, k. gao, solving robotic distributed flowshop problem using an improved iterated greedy algorithm, int. j. of advanced robotic systems,  vol. 16,  no. 5,  number 1729881419879819,  sep 2019.
  71. a. sadollah, k. gao, y. zhang, y. zhang, r. su, management of traffic congestion in adaptive traffic signals using a novel classification-based approach, engineering optimization,  vol. 51,  no. 9, pp. 1509-1528,  sep 2019.
  72. q. h. zhu, m. c. zhou, y. qiao, n. q. wu,y. hou, “multiobjective scheduling of dual-blade robotic cells in wafer fabrication,” ieee transactions on systems, man and cybernetics: systems, doi: 10.1109/tsmc.2019.2944866.

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