subject rankings-ag凯发旗舰厅

times higher education

world university rankings by subject 2024

computer science#176-200

business and economics#251-300

social sciences#251-300

clinical and health#251-300

shanghai ranking

global ranking of academic subjects 2023

hospitality & tourism management#40

automation & control#51-75

transportation science & technology#76-100

computer science & engineering#101-150

electrical & electronic engineering#151-200

telecommunication engineering#151-200

nanoscience & nanotechnology#201-300

pharmacy & pharmaceutical sciences#201-300

materials science & engineering#301-400


earth sciences#301-400


u.s. news & world report

best global universities for subject rankings

artificial intelligence#93

electrical and electronic engineering#169

pharmacology and toxicology#219

computer science#292


essential science indicators (esi)

9 research fields entered top 1%

- molecular biology & genetics- pharmacology & toxicology

- engineering- materials science

- computer science- clinical medicine

- chemistry- social sciences, general

- biology & biochemistry
