
  1. ln li, w pedrycz, zw li, development of associative memories with transformed data, applied soft computing, vol. 61, pp. 1141-1152, dec. 2017.
  2. sh lou, yx feng, gd tian, zh lv, zw li, jr tan, a cyber-physical system for product conceptual design based on an intelligent psycho-physiological approach, ieee access, vol. 5, pp. 5378-5387, 2017.
  3. m bashir, z li, m uzam, a al-ahmari, nq wu, d liu, t qu, a minimal supervisory structure to optimally enforce liveness on petri net models for flexible manufacturing systems, ieee access, vol. 5, pp. 15731-15749, 2017.
  4. c gu, zw li, a al-ahmari, a multistep look-ahead deadlock avoidance policy for automated manufacturing systems, discrete dynamics in nature and society, vol. 2017.
  5. sg wang, d you, mc zhou, a necessary and sufficient condition for a resource subset to generate a strict minimal siphon in (spr)-p-4, ieee transactions on automatic control, vol. 62, no. 8, pp. 4173-4179, aug. 2017.
  6. qh hu, sx li, yc shi, a new characterization of differences of weighted composition operators on weighted-type spaces, computational methods and function theory, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 303-318, jun. 2017.
  7. g gelen, m uzam, zw li, a new method for the redundancy analysis of petri net-based liveness enforcing supervisors, transactions of the institute of measurement and control, vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 763-780, may. 2017.
  8. q kang, xs chen, ss li, mc zhou, a noise-filtered under-sampling scheme for imbalanced classification, ieee transactions on cybernetics, vol. 47, no. 12, pp. 4263-4274, dec. 2017.
  9. hr ren, mm liu, zw li, w pedrycz, a piecewise aggregate pattern representation approach for anomaly detection in time series, knowledge-based systems, vol. 135, pp. 29-39, nov 1. 2017.
  10. wy dong, mc zhou, a supervised learning and control method to improve particle swarm optimization algorithms, ieee transactions on systems man cybernetics-systems, vol. 47, no. 7, pp. 1135-1148, jul. 2017.
  11. j li, xh meng, mc zhou, xz dai, a two-stage approach to path planning and collision avoidance of multibridge machining systems, ieee transactions on systems man cybernetics-systems, vol. 47, no. 7, pp. 1039-1049, jul. 2017.
  12. m ghahramani, mc zhou, ct hon, analysis of mobile phone data under a cloud computing framework, proceedings of the 2017 ieee 14th international conference on networking, sensing and control (icnsc 2017), pp. 394-399, 2017.
  13. hr ren, zx ye, zw li, anomaly detection based on a dynamic markov model, information sciences, vol. 411, pp. 52-65, oct. 2017.
  14. zy ma, y tong, zw li, a giua, basis marking representation of petri net reachability spaces and its application to the reachability problem, ieee transactions on automatic control, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 1078-1093, mar. 2017.
  15. f wang, th xu, t tang, mc zhou, hf wang, bilevel feature extraction-based text mining for fault diagnosis of railway systems, ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 49-58, jan. 2017.
  16. rd zheng, zy yin, blow-up phenomena and global existence for a two-component camassa-holm system with an arbitrary smooth function, nonlinear analysis-theory methods & applications, vol. 155, pp. 176-185, may. 2017.
  17. m li, zy yin, blow-up phenomena and local well-posedness for a generalized camassa-holm equation with cubic nonlinearity, nonlinear analysis-theory methods & applications, vol. 151, pp. 208-226, mar. 2017.
  18. m li, zy yin, blow-up phenomena and travelling wave solutions to the periodic integrable dispersive hunter-saxton equation, discrete and continuous dynamical systems, vol. 37, no. 12, pp. 6471-6485, dec. 2017.
  19. zy ma, zw li, a giua, characterization of admissible marking sets in petri nets with conflicts and synchronizations, ieee transactions on automatic control, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 1329-1341, mar. 2017.
  20. yf chen, zw li, k barkaoui, nq wu, mc zhou, compact supervisory control of discrete event systems by petri nets with data inhibitor arcs, ieee transactions on systems man cybernetics-systems, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 364-379, feb. 2017.
  21. s arshad, am siddiqui, a sohail, k maqbool, zw li, comparison of optimal homotopy analysis method and fractional homotopy analysis transform method for the dynamical analysis of fractional order optical solitons, advances in mechanical engineering, vol. 9, no. 3, mar 10. 2017.
  22. zy ma, zw li, a giua, computation of admissible marking sets in weighted state machines by dynamic programming, 2017 ieee 56th annual conference on decision and control (cdc), 2017.
  23. ln li, w pedrycz, zw li, development of associative memories with transformed data, applied soft computing, vol. 61, pp. 1141-1152, dec. 2017.
  24. sh lou, yx feng, gd tian, zh lv, zw li, jr tan, a cyber-physical system for product conceptual design based on an intelligent psycho-physiological approach, ieee access, vol. 5, pp. 5378-5387, 2017.
  25. m bashir, z li, m uzam, a al-ahmari, nq wu, d liu, t qu, a minimal supervisory structure to optimally enforce liveness on petri net models for flexible manufacturing systems, ieee access, vol. 5, pp. 15731-15749, 2017.
  26. c gu, zw li, a al-ahmari, a multistep look-ahead deadlock avoidance policy for automated manufacturing systems, discrete dynamics in nature and society, vol. 2017, 2017.
  27. sg wang, d you, mc zhou, a necessary and sufficient condition for a resource subset to generate a strict minimal siphon in (spr)-p-4, ieee transactions on automatic control, vol. 62, no. 8, pp. 4173-4179, aug. 2017.
  28. qh hu, sx li, yc shi, a new characterization of differences of weighted composition operators on weighted-type spaces, computational methods and function theory, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 303-318, jun. 2017.
  29. g gelen, m uzam, zw li, a new method for the redundancy analysis of petri net-based liveness enforcing supervisors, transactions of the institute of measurement and control, vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 763-780, may. 2017.
  30. q kang, xs chen, ss li, mc zhou, a noise-filtered under-sampling scheme for imbalanced classification, ieee transactions on cybernetics, vol. 47, no. 12, pp. 4263-4274, dec. 2017.
  31. hr ren, mm liu, zw li, w pedrycz, a piecewise aggregate pattern representation approach for anomaly detection in time series, knowledge-based systems, vol. 135, pp. 29-39, nov 1. 2017.
  32. wy dong, mc zhou, a supervised learning and control method to improve particle swarm optimization algorithms, ieee transactions on systems man cybernetics-systems, vol. 47, no. 7, pp. 1135-1148, jul. 2017.
  33. j li, xh meng, mc zhou, xz dai, a two-stage approach to path planning and collision avoidance of multibridge machining systems, ieee transactions on systems man cybernetics-systems, vol. 47, no. 7, pp. 1039-1049, jul. 2017.
  34. m ghahramani, mc zhou, ct hon, analysis of mobile phone data under a cloud computing framework, proceedings of the 2017 ieee 14th international conference on networking, sensing and control (icnsc 2017), pp. 394-399, 2017.
  35. hr ren, zx ye, zw li, anomaly detection based on a dynamic markov model, information sciences, vol. 411, pp. 52-65, oct. 2017.
  36. zy ma, y tong, zw li, a giua, basis marking representation of petri net reachability spaces and its application to the reachability problem, ieee transactions on automatic control, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 1078-1093, mar. 2017.
  37. f wang, th xu, t tang, mc zhou, hf wang, bilevel feature extraction-based text mining for fault diagnosis of railway systems, ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 49-58, jan. 2017.
  38. rd zheng, zy yin, blow-up phenomena and global existence for a two-component camassa-holm system with an arbitrary smooth function, nonlinear analysis-theory methods & applications, vol. 155, pp. 176-185, may. 2017.
  39. m li, zy yin, blow-up phenomena and local well-posedness for a generalized camassa-holm equation with cubic nonlinearity, nonlinear analysis-theory methods & applications, vol. 151, pp. 208-226, mar. 2017.
  40. m li, zy yin, blow-up phenomena and travelling wave solutions to the periodic integrable dispersive hunter-saxton equation, discrete and continuous dynamical systems, vol. 37, no. 12, pp. 6471-6485, dec. 2017.
  41. zy ma, zw li, a giua, characterization of admissible marking sets in petri nets with conflicts and synchronizations, ieee transactions on automatic control, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 1329-1341, mar. 2017.
  42. yf chen, zw li, k barkaoui, nq wu, mc zhou, compact supervisory control of discrete event systems by petri nets with data inhibitor arcs, ieee transactions on systems man cybernetics-systems, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 364-379, feb. 2017.
  43. s arshad, am siddiqui, a sohail, k maqbool, zw li, comparison of optimal homotopy analysis method and fractional homotopy analysis transform method for the dynamical analysis of fractional order optical solitons, advances in mechanical engineering, vol. 9, no. 3, mar 10. 2017.
  44. zy ma, zw li, a giua, computation of admissible marking sets in weighted state machines by dynamic programming, 2017 ieee 56th annual conference on decision and control (cdc), 2017.
  45. i khemaissia, o mosbahi, m khalgui, zw li, crmpsoc: new solution for feasible reconfigurable mpsoc, software technologies, vol. 743, pp. 175-198, 2017.
  46. z he, zw li, a giua, cycle time optimization of deterministic timed weighted marked graphs by transformation, ieee transactions on control systems technology, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 1318-1330, jul. 2017.
  47. m liu, sg wang, mc zhou, d liu, a al-ahmari, t qu, nq wu, zw li, deadlock and liveness characterization for a class of generalized petri nets, information sciences, vol. 420, pp. 403-416, dec. 2017.
  48. yf chen, zw li, a al-ahmari, nq wu, t qu, deadlock recovery for flexible manufacturing systems modeled with petri nets, information sciences, vol. 381, pp. 290-303, mar. 2017.
  49. xy cong, mp fanti, am mangini, zw li, decentralized fault diagnosis by petri nets and integer linear programming, ifac papersonline, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 13624-13629, 2017.
  50. y tong, zw li, c seatzu, a giua, decidability of opacity verification problems in labeled petri net systems, automatica, vol. 80, pp. 48-53, jun. 2017.
  51. yc shi, sx li, differences of composition operators on bloch type spaces, complex analysis and operator theory, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 227-242, jan. 2017.
  52. s li, mc zhou, x luo, zh you, distributed winner-take-all in dynamic networks, ieee transactions on automatic control, vol. 62, no. 2, pp. 577-589, feb. 2017.
  53. o karoui, m khalgui, a koubaa, e guerfala, zw li, e tovar, dual mode for vehicular platoon safety: simulation and formal verification, information sciences, vol. 402, pp. 216-232, sep. 2017.
  54. xb ping, zw li, a al-ahmari, dynamic output feedback robust mpc for lpv systems subject to in-put saturation and bounded disturbance, international journal of control automation and systems, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 976-985, jun. 2017.
  55. dp shi, l chu, jh guo, gd tian, yx feng, zw li, energy control strategy of heb based on the instantaneous optimization algorithm, ieee access, vol. 5, pp. 19876-19888, 2017.
  56. nq wu, zw li, t qu, energy efficiency optimization in scheduling crude oil operations of refinery based on linear programming, journal of cleaner production, vol. 166, pp. 49-57, nov 10. 2017.
  57. jq li, jj yang, y zhao, b liu, mc zhou, j bi, q wang, enforcing differential privacy for shared collaborative filtering, ieee access, vol. 5, pp. 35-49, 2017.
  58. jt du, sx li, yh zhang, essential norm of generalized composition operators on zygmund type spaces and bloch type spaces, annales polonici mathematici, vol. 119, no. 2, pp. 107-119, 2017.
  59. yc shi, sx li, essential norm of the differences of composition operators on the bloch space, mathematical inequalities & applications, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 543-555, apr. 2017.
  60. w chen, c gracia-lazaro, zw li, l wang, y moreno, evolutionary dynamics of n-person hawk-dove games, scientific reports, vol. 7, jul 6. 2017.
  61. r idriss, a loukil, m khalgui, zw li, a al-ahmari, filtering and intrusion detection approach for secured reconfigurable mobile systems, journal of electrical engineering & technology, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 2051-2066, sep. 2017.
  62. zj ding, mq pan, r yang, cj jiang, mc zhou, fully expanded tree for property analysis of one-place-unbounded petri nets, ieee transactions on systems man cybernetics-systems, vol. 47, no. 9, pp. 2574-2585, sep. 2017.
  63. xb zhu, w pedrycz, zw li, fuzzy clustering with nonlinearly transformed data, applied soft computing, vol. 61, pp. 364-376, dec. 2017.
  64. m li, zy yin, global existence and local well-posedness of the single-cycle pulse equation, journal of mathematical physics, vol. 58, no. 10, oct. 2017.
  65. x. s. liu and s. x. li, norm and essential norm of a weighted composition operator on the bloch space, integral equations and operator theory, vol. 87, no. 3, 309-325, mar. 2017.
  66. j. t. du, s. x. li, and y. h. zhang, essential norm of generalized composition operators on zygmund type spaces and bloch type spaces, annales polonici mathematici, vol. 119, no. 2, 107-119, 2017.
  67. q. h. hu, s. x. li, and h. wulan, new essential norm estimates of weighted composition operators from h∞ into the bloch space, complex variables and elliptic equations, vol. 62, no. 5, 600-615, 2017.
  68. y. c. shi and s. x. li, differences of composition operators on bloch type spaces, complex analysis and operator theory, vol. 11, no. 1, 227-242, jan. 2017.
  69. x. p. zhai and z. y. yin, global well-posedness for the 3d incompressible inhomogeneous navier–stokes equations and mhd equations, journal of differential equations, vol. 262, no. 3, 359-1412, feb. 2017.
  70. d. you, s. g. wang, z. w. li, and c. y. wang, computation of an optimal transformed linear constraint in a class of petri nets with uncontrollable transitions, ieee access, vol. 5, 6780-6790, 2017.
  71. y. f. hou, m. uzam, m. zhao, and z. w. li, on near-optimal deadlock control for a class of generalized petri nets using reachability graph, engineering computations, vol. 34, no. 6, 1896-1922, 2017.
  72. h. c. liu, j. x. you, z. w. li, and g. d. tian, fuzzy petri nets for knowledge representation and reasoning: a literature review, engineering applications of artificial intelligence, vol. 60, 45-56, apr. 2017.
  73. sohail, z. w. li, m. iftikhar, m. mohamed, and o. a. beg, stochastic analysis of a deterministic and seasonally-forced sei model for improved disease spread simulation, journal of mechanics in medicine and biology, vol. 17, no. 4, 1750067, jun. 2017.
  74. x. b. zhu, w. pedrycz, z. w. li, granular data description: designing ellipsoidal information granules, ieee transactions on cybernetics, vol. 47, no. 12, pp. 4475-4484, dec 2017.
  75. m. liu, s. g. wang, m. c. zhou, d. liu, a. al-ahmari, t. qu, n. q. wu, z. w. li, deadlock and liveness characterization for a class of generalized petri nets, information sciences, vol. 420, pp. 403-416, dec 2017.
  76. n. q. wu, z. w. li, t. qu, energy efficiency optimization in scheduling crude oil operations of refinery based on linear programming, journal of cleaner production, vol. 166, pp. 49-57, nov 10 2017.
  77. x. b. ping, p. wang, z. w. li, quadratic boundedness of lpv systems via saturated dynamic output feedback controller, optimal control applications & methods, vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 1239-1248, nov-dec 2017.
  78. h. r. ren, m. m. liu, z. w. li, w. pedrycz, a piecewise aggregate pattern representation approach for anomaly detection in time series, knowledge-based systems, vol. 135, pp. 29-39, nov 1 2017.
  79. m. g. abidi, m. ben smida, m. khalgui, z. w. li, n. q. wu, multi-agent oriented solution for forecasting-based control strategy with load priority of microgrids in an island mode - case study: tunisian petroleum platform, electric power systems research, vol. 152, pp. 411-423, nov 2017.
  80. s. w. zhang, n. q. wu, z. w. li, t. qu, c. d. li, petri net-based approach to short-term scheduling of crude oil operations with less tank requirement, information sciences, vol. 417, pp. 247-261, nov 2017.
  81. g. d. tian, h. h. zhang, y. x. feng, h. f. jia, c. y. zhang, z. g. jiang, z. w. li, p. g. li, operation patterns analysis of automotive components remanufacturing industry development in china, journal of cleaner production, vol. 164, pp. 1363-1375, oct 15 2017.
  82. x. b. zhu, w. pedrycz, z. w. li, granular encoders and decoders: a study in processing information granules, ieee transactions on fuzzy systems, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 1115-1126, oct 2017.
  83. o. karoui, e. guerfala, a. koubaa, m. khalgui, e. tovard, n. q. wu, a. al-ahmari, z. w. li, performance evaluation of vehicular platoons using webots, iet intelligent transport systems, vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 441-449, oct 2017.
  84. h. r. ren, z. x. ye, z. w. li, anomaly detection based on a dynamic markov model, information sciences, vol. 411, pp. 52-65, oct 2017.
  85. x. d. zhang, z. w. li, y. huang, h. j. tang, performance analysis of reverse auction mechanisms based on petri nets, advances in mechanical engineering, vol. 9, no. 9, sep 21 2017.
  86. o. karoui, m. khalgui, a. koubaa, e. guerfala, z. w. li, e. tovar, dual mode for vehicular platoon safety: simulation and formal verification, information sciences, vol. 402, pp. 216-232, sep 2017.
  87. r. idriss, a. loukil, m. khalgui, z. w. li, a. al-ahmari, filtering and intrusion detection approach for secured reconfigurable mobile systems, journal of electrical engineering & technology, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 2051-2066, sep 2017.
  88. x. b. zhu, w. pedrycz, z. w. li, fuzzy clustering with nonlinearly transformed data, applied soft computing, vol. 61, pp. 364-376, dec 2017.
  89. l. n. li, w. pedrycz, z. w. li, development of associative memories with transformed data, applied soft computing, vol. 61, pp. 1141-1152, dec 2017.
  90. f. j. yang, n. q. wu, y. qiao, and m. c. zhou, optimal one-wafer cyclic scheduling of time-constrained hybrid multicluster tools via petri nets, ieee transactions on systems, man, & cybernetics: systems, vol. 47, no. 11, 2920-2932, nov. 2017.
  91. x. zhu, j. li, x. chen, m. c. zhou, minimum cost deployment of heterogeneous directional sensor networks for differentiated target coverage, ieee sensor journal, vol. 17, no. 15, pp. 4938-4952, august 2017.
  92. j. l. li, w. k. tan and z. y. yin, local existence and uniqueness for the non-resistive mhd equations in homogeneous besov spaces, advances in mathematics, vol. 317, pp. 786-798, 2017.
  93. w. luo and z. y. yin, global existence and well-posedness for the fene dumbbell model of polymeric flows, nonlinear analysis: real world applications, vol. 37, pp. 457–488, 2017.
  94. m. li and z. y. yin, blow-up phenomena and travelling wave solutions to the periodic integrable dispersive hunter-saxton equation, discrete and continuous dynamical systems - series a, vol. 37, no. 12, pp. 6471- 6485, 2017.
  95. m. li and z. y. yin, global existence and local well-posedness of the single-cycle pulse equation, journal of mathematical physics, 58: 101515, pp. 1-16, 2017.


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