

榮譽博士學位頒授典禮上,澳科大向何厚鏜先生、拓跋賀教授(prof. witold pedrycz)、袁國勇教授、賀定一女士、朱爾斯·霍夫曼教授(prof. jules a. hoffmann)、彼得·亞瑟·戴蒙德教授(prof. peter arthur diamond)、姚期智教授、河村建夫先生(mr. takeo kawamura)共八位世界傑出人士頒授了榮譽博士學位。澳科大校友總會也迎來了八位在不同領域建樹非凡、功勳卓越的校友。






戴蒙德教授是世代交疊模型 (overlapping generation models,簡稱olg模型或diamond 模型)的提出者,該模型已廣泛運用於政府債務、社會保障制度和稅收問題領域。他與詹姆斯·莫理斯合作展開的税收與政府支出、政府生產決策與價格設計、最優所得稅、社會福利政策的最佳結構等基礎研究,對於當前世界各國的經濟發展和社會保障策略影響深遠。此外,戴蒙德教授在養老金政策方面也做了大量研究工作,通過分析多國養老金制度,提出改革退休金政策的一系列觀點,出版了著作《拯救社会保障:平衡方法》(與彼得·奧爾格合著)、《退休金原則、政策選擇及養老金改革指南》(與尼古拉斯·巴尔合著)。2008年,因其在社會保障和政府政策研究領域的傑出貢獻,榮獲美國國家社會保障學會傑出成就獎。


citation for prof. peter arthur diamond

believing “without being based on real understanding of how policies could accomplish good ends, making policy recommendations seems very hit or miss”, prof. peter arthur diamond is well-accomplished and widely recognized both as a researcher and a policy advisor.

prof. peter arthur diamond is a renowned american economist and institute professor at the massachusetts institute of technology (mit). he is an accomplished author on public finance, social insurance, uncertainty and search theories, macroeconomics and behavioral economics. as one of the three winners of the 2010 sveriges riksbank prize in economic sciences in memory of alfred nobel for “analysis of markets with search frictions.”, prof. diamond has made “fundamental contributions to search and matching theory, which offers a framework for studying frictions in real-world transactions and has led to new insights into the workings of markets.”

prof. diamond is also known for developing an overlapping generations model (otherwise known as the olg model or the diamond model), which has been widely used for analyses of debt and also for analyses of social security systems, and of intergenerational aspects of taxation. his work with james mirrlees on taxes and government expenditures, production efficiency result, design of shadow prices for government production decisions, optimal income taxation, and the optimal structure of benefit rules in social security systems has produced far-reaching impacts on the world economic development and social security strategies. in addition, prof. diamond has done extensive work on pension policy. he has analyzed pension systems in various countries and regions, and advised governments on policy-making decisions relating to pension systems and reform of pension policies. his books on pensions include saving social security: a balanced approach (with peter r. orszag), reforming pensions: principles and policy choices and pension reform: a short guide (both with nicholas barr). he was the recipient of the award for outstanding achievements of the national academy of social insurance (nasi) in 2008 for his remarkable research contributions in social security and government policies.

prof. diamond was born in new york, u.s.a. he obtained his ph.d. from mit in 1963, when he was only 23 years of age. he’s been working with the mit since 1966. he is fellow of the american academy of arts and sciences and member of the national academy of sciences. he has been president of the american economic association, the econometric society, the national academy of social insurance and the western economic association international, and will be president of the eastern economics association.
